Campus Chapters
A campus chapter is a group of students who are passionate about helping people build better lives for themselves, and are ready to take the next step to lead the charge at their school to help fulfill Habitat’s mission. Each campus chapter is a student-led, student-initiated organization on a high school or college campus that partners with the local Habitat for Humanity to fulfill the four functions of a campus chapter.
Campus chapters set the foundation for Habitat’s work related to your school. This includes helping set up volunteer opportunities, educating your school and community around issues related to housing and Habitat, fundraising in your local area to support more housing opportunities and speaking with your community officials to prioritize shelter.
Habitat Young Professionals
Habitat Young Professionals are grassroots volunteers who work within a local chapter to create change in their communities. Through the diverse demographic of young professionals and their talents, chapters create unity in sharing the vision of Habitat nationally and globally.
Young professionals are an essential part of continuing Habitat for Humanity’s leadership and volunteer base for younger generations. Participation in a Habitat Young Professionals chapter offers opportunities at Habitat affiliate offices in professional development, leadership, advocacy, fundraising and education.
Collegiate Challenge
This unique one-week volunteer program is offered year-round. All you need is five or more friends ages 16 or older. Then, simply select a location that you are interested in traveling to. You can choose a build close to school or somewhere across the country. After that, prepare for an incredible experience that you and your friends will never forget.
Collegiate Challenge offers an education all its own. Whether your group is on the build site or serving in the ReStore, you’ll be learning about substandard living conditions and how affordable housing builds strength, stability and self-reliance for homeowners. This will allow you to see not just a house being built or repaired, but the people behind it – macro issues on a micro scale. These are life lessons you’ll carry with you far into the future. All the fun you’ll have will just be extra credit. No experience is needed to volunteer so grab four friends or more and sign up for a Collegiate Challenge trip today!
College Advocacy Scholarship
If you are a member of a Habitat for Humanity International college Campus Chapter, you could be eligible for a scholarship to cover your costs for the 2019 Habitat on the Hill Conference in Washington, D.C. Dates for 2019 TBA.
Habitat on the Hill is Habitat’s annual legislative conference, during which advocates for decent housing, including Habitat staff members, board members, homeowners, volunteers and youth from across the country, gather in Washington, D.C., to discuss Habitat’s legislative priorities, attend advocacy and policy-related workshops, and hold face-to-face meetings with lawmakers on Capitol Hill.
For more information about Habitat on the Hill, please email [email protected].